Sharing the Gospel of grace through the splendor of dance

What We Believe
"Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for His grace continues forever." Psalms 136:3
We believe in honoring each student's unique gifts, strengths, and artistic expression through wholesome education.
Our studio is a place where every member of the family can feel comfortable.
We believe in excellence in education and cultivate that through our international curriculum from
the Royal Academy of Dance, AcrobaticArts, Progressing Ballet Technique, and Alixa Flexibility.
We believe that dance is a gift from God, and we, in return, share the good news of the Gospel through the splendor of dance.
We believe in community, and for over 25 years, Grace has been serving families in Iowa.
We believe
in ONE GOD, eternally existent in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) through whom the world was created in six literal days.
JESUS CHRIST was fully God and fully man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died as a payment for our sins, and rose again after three days.
SALVATION is by grace alone. No works can save you and each individual must choose this free gift for themselves.
ALL HUMAN LIFE is sacred and created by God, created in His image. No one person is more valuable than another regardless of race, culture, social standing, born or unborn.
TWO DISTINCT sexes were created, male and female. These two genders wonderfully reflect the image and nature of God.
THE BIBLE is the inspired word of God, and any unmentioned beliefs would be based upon the Word of God.