Sharing the Gospel of grace through the splendor of dance

100% Happiness Guarantee
Is dance or acro not a great fit for your dancer?
No matter their age, if your dancer attends classes for the first 30 days of their enrollment and they don't like it, let us know before the next month begins and we will refund your tuition completely.
Your enrollment fee will be saved as a credit on your account to try again in the future!
Tips to help your preschooler succeed.
The process of separating from the parent as the child attends dance class is an important accomplishment for preschool children.
As children mature, they begin to identify themselves as independent personalities. In separating from you, the parent, your child is learning
to develop an interest in the activities of the dance class;
to feel comfortable with other children in the class;
to understand that his/her parent will come back and pick him/her up;
to understand that all parents leave their children and come back for them.
It is important to know that at times young children will explore the limits of attending dance class and say they don’t want to go. This period may occur anytime, but it is usually short- lived. Here are some suggestions that might help you handle the situation:
Emphasize what the child is doing at the dance class rather than what you do while he/she is in class.
Before you leave, see that the child is involved in an activity or is in the hands of a teacher.
Avoid prolonged good-byes.
Ask the teacher for help in separation. We expect the crying (and usually the tears are for the parent’s benefit).

It May Not Be the Right Time
If your child cries or does not want to take class, don’t panic. If we push children and create more stress than they are already experiencing, they may come to perceive dance class as a bad experience. That kind of negativity could make them apprehensive about dance for a long time, which isn’t good for anyone involved. Never force your child into the classroom. This is why you can be confident in our 100% happiness guarantee!